Working For Tencap

Working for Tencap Sports is just what you think working for a small fast growing sports start-up would be like. We live a busy, but healthy lifestyle, working long hours but exercising and competing when possible. We love friendly sports bets and office shenanigans. We work long hours, but we believe in what we are doing. We are driven to change the way people think about their sport of passion and social networks as a whole, by making it easier for them to do the things they love and track their progress. We work out of the MassChallenge Space so with many other fun high potential fast growth startups, with no shortage of networking opportunities and intellectual engagement.

For more information, send your resume to: with your desired position in the subject line. If you are an incredibly driven and motivated sports lover and don’t see a job that fits your skill set listed, feel free to reach out to us with suggestions on how you think you might be able to help.

Positions Open


Web Developer

Focus and obsess over making Tencap the easiest to use and most fun app on the web. This individual should have an understanding for user experience in consumer facing applications. Loving sports is a must. As with fast growth start-ups the job growth potential is nearly unlimited.

Mobile Developer

Become the mastermind behind the mobile strategy and development of the first sport specific social network app. This individual will take ownership of Tencap’s mobile application and help to both maintain the app and build out new features. It is anticipated that this individual has the skill set to work with 3rd party vendors to meet deadlines if the development can not be done in house. It is also anticipated this individual work closely with Tencap’s web development team and have the capacity to build a small mobile team around them.

Event Coordinator

Do you love running events? Be the face of Tencap run events. Run leagues with thousands of players. Start new events in new areas. Everything from tournaments, to flex leagues, to inter club leagues. This position is solely focussed on growing the sports we operate in by running events. An ideal candidate has connections in at least one of the sports we operate in and experience running individual sporting events. Converting existing events to Tencap events will be part of the job but the primary focus should be starting events across the globe from the ground up.


Designer/Creativity Specialist

Help Tencap with the way information is presented on the site and the look and feel of the brand.

Marketing Assistant

Assist our existing affiliate partners in helping them promote their organization and Tencap. Work with the CEO to identify and close other key affiliate partners. Develop the marketing material necessary as well as help with the creation of tag lines and other key aspects that will help people identify with the brand.

Social Media Coordinator

Help develop the strategy as to the best ways for our social networks to integrate with social media. Exposure and involvement in high level decision making with regards to our platforms, goals and integration. This individual will take ownership in our communication to our customers through social media and help to build the quality and awareness of the Tencap Brand.